Sunday, December 11, 2016


By: Gigi Frost
There are quite a few places that sell web hosting packages online. Even doing an honest side-by-side comparison is not enough to truly decide on the best web hosting option that works for your needs. Below you will find some important tips when deciding on a web hosting package.

Important Tips
Here are a few things that every person needs to consider:
  1. Purpose
What you displaying on your website? Are you looking to sell items, promote a brand, or use it as an informal platform to blog your articles? This is important to identify accurately, because it will determine the amount of money you will be spending, and the types of sites that can handle your needs.

  1. Bandwidth
This is found on the web hosting site, you should even check the fine print. You need to know how much bandwidth the site can handle from potential visitors that will be frequenting the site. Be careful to make note of extra charges on overages or limitations.

  1. Stats
Look up the uptime stats for the web host. What is the purpose of a site that crashes during certain peak hours? Don’t get yourself caught in a contract with a web host that promises an incredible deal at low prices without doing your homework first.

  1. Scripts
The most ideal host, especially for vendors, is a site that runs a secure SSL server, and is able to support most scripts: PHP, Perl, SSI, SSH, FTP, MySQL, Cron, FTP, and htaccess.

  1. Contract
Check on future options for upgrades that you may need as your site grows. Also check to see what the web host charges for renewing your site and account. Most of the time, when you purchase the rights to setting up your site, it is a one year contract. Make sure you check and see if it will cost you more in the long run, as you may end up paying even more in monthly rates for every renewal.

  1. Ease of Access
Everyone has a different level of tech knowledge. The majority of sites are relatively user friendly. You should choose a site that is easy enough for you to set up and maintain.

  1. Policies
Get a good grasp on most of the policies that govern the site; such as, refunds, cancellations, and usage limits. Understanding more now will greatly reduce nasty surprises later.

Follow the tips above and you should be able to make the most informed decision on choosing the right web host that works for you.

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